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Showing posts from February, 2021

What are the methods for line marking in parking lot and garage ?

  What are the methods for line marking in parking lot and garage ?  In order to regulate road safety, various roads and  garages are filled with different types of markings. There are two main construction methods for line marking, namely cold spray marking and hot melt marking. Combining the effects of the two, hot melt marking is the most widely used method. whatsApp:008613660776067 1. Cold spray marking Cold spray marking is also called normal temperature marking, which refers to the method of drawing lines directly by diluting the marking paint and then using a cold spray marking machine without heating the paint. The color is clear and the process is relatively simple. 2. Hot melt marking Hot-melt marking refers to the melting of the marking paint in the paint bucket by heating it. It is generally composed of thermoplastic resin, pigments and fillers, reflective materials and other additives. The hot-melt coating is powdery at room tempe

Epoxy flooring paint, according Color to divide the different function area

  Modern industrial enterprises have large production workshops and warehouses. There are often multiple production lines in a production plant, and warehouses need to store a wide variety of products. In order to make the production workshop and warehouse more uniform and easy to manage, it is necessary to divide the functional area . In the past, the different functional area  is divided by white line , but the effect was not satisfactory, and the difference between the functional areas was not obvious. Since the advent of epoxy floor paint, this problem has been effectively solved. Epoxy floor paint is the most widely used in industrial enterprises' production workshops, product warehouses, underground parking lots, etc. due to its relatively low price and ideal construction effect. Epoxy floor paints are available in a variety of colors. Users can choose the color according to actual needs or even personal preference, to  create a beautiful epoxy floor for the ground. The diver

Standard Basketball Court Size

  1. The playing   basketball court is 28 meters long and 15 meters wide. The ratio of long money: 28:15. The area of the competition area is 28*15=420 m2. 2. Line: The width is 0.05 meters (5 cm).     Boundary: The court boundary is at least 2 meters away from spectators, billboards or any other obstacles. The boundary on the long side of the court is called the sideline, and the boundary on the short side is called the endline. 3. Free throw line, restricted area and penalty area: the area of the three-second zone = (3.6+6)*5.8/2=27.84m2 1. The free throw line should be parallel to the end line, and its outer edge is 5.80 meters away from the inner edge of the end line; this line is 3.60 meters long. Its midpoint must fall on the imaginary line connecting the midpoints of the two end lines. 2. The ground area formed by drawing two lines from both ends of the free throw line to 3 meters from the midpoint of the end line (both measured from the outer edge) is called the restricted are