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Showing posts from January, 2021

During Atheltic rubber track construction,how to avoid rain ?

  I believe that many constrution teams  meet this problem.Just after the construction of tartan track ,it was drenched and even soaked by the sudden heavy rain.Apart from worrying, there was no remedy. According to years of experience, there are two ways to deal with rubber track that are drenched by rainwater. 1.  The rubber  track cannot be completely cured after being exposed to rain. This kind of treatment is more troublesome. The incurable  part must be completely shoveled off, and then thoroughly polished until the underground cement foundation is exposed, and then restart according to the process. Although it is a waste of materials and labor, this is the only more thorough solution without any sequelae. 2.  The   athletic running tartan t rack can be cured after being exposed to rain, but there are many small pits on the surface that are smashed by raindrops, and there may be bubbles in some places. To deal with this situation, first use a knife to cut off the bubbles and use

How to easily remove dirt and clean artificial turf?

  When artificial turf is used, it is inevitable that it will be stained with various stains, so how do we clean it? For watery stains such as juice, milk, ice cream, and blood stains on the artificial turf, first scrub the artificial turf with soapy water, and then thoroughly rinse the artificial turf area with soapy water; if necessary, absorb it with a strong absorbent towel Moisture on dry artificial grass. Shoe polish, sunscreen oil, ballpoint pen oil, etc. on the artificial turf can be dipped in a sponge with perchloroethylene to wipe the artificial grass , and the artificial grass can be dried with a towel with strong adsorption. If nail polish gets on the artificial turf, wipe it with acetone. Paint and paint on the artificial turf can be wiped with turpentine or paint remover, and decontaminated with detergent and water. Rinse the detergent with cold water and wipe vigorously, and wipe with a sponge dipped in perchloroethylene. The chewing gum on the artificial turf can be s

How to store excess Epoxy paint or rubber paint during construction?

  Epoxy  paint or rubber paint  construction materials are generally not used up at one time during construction. Once the     Epoxy  paint or rubber paint   are  left, we need to store them  to prepare for the next use . The painting , thinners, additives, etc. are all flammable and explosive materials, and they are easy to volatilize and cause harm to the human body and the environment, so we need to do a good job of storage: 1. The   Epoxy  paint or rubber paint   are  stored in a dry, ventilated and low temperature environment, and the temperature cannot be higher than 30 ℃ . 2. The packaging of  paint should be done well, and the opening should be well sealed to avoid contact with air as much as possible. If paint is in contact with air for a long time, it will produce oxidation, which will inevitably affect the effect of next use.

What factors affect the progress of floor paint construction?

  1. Department coordination The main construction unit plays a decisive role in the construction schedule. However, the uncoordinated cooperation of the construction unit, the material supply department, and the transportation department will also affect the progress of the project . 2. Changes in construction conditions In case of severe weather during construction, such as heavy rain, high temperature, frost, etc., it will affect the construction progress to varying degrees. 3. Construction technology The construction unit adopts improper construction measures, and technical accidents occur during construction; apply new technologies and new materials. The lack of experience in the new structure and the inability to guarantee the quality will affect the construction progress. 4. Construction organization and management Construction organization management is unfavorable for flow construction, unreasonable organization, improper deployment of labor and construction machinery, and un

Suelos deportivos sintéticos utilizados Instrucción

  1.  Pavimento deportivo sintético  solo para enseñanza, entrenamiento y competición, no para estacionamiento u otros usos 2.   El borde del piso debe estar protegido, no debe moverse ni tirar. Si el daño, debe ser reparado a tiempo. 3.  Los atletas pueden usar calzado deportivo profesional durante la competencia, pero la longitud de los picos no debe exceder los 6 mm. 4.  Está prohibido llevar tacones altos en el estadio. 5.  Está estrictamente prohibido conducir, estacionar y almacenar mercancías. 6.  Evite colocar los solventes orgánicos en el piso sintético, incluyendo gasolina, aceite, diesel y diluyente. 7.  Está prohibido usar todos los productos químicos, incluidos los medicamentos tratados con atletas y elementos adhesivos como el chicle. 8.  En general, el suelo sintético debe mantenerse limpio. En temperaturas altas, se recomienda usar agua para enfriarse para mejorar la vida útil. 9.  Cuando el piso sintético para deportes es graso, se puede limpiar con un detergente natur

Plancher de sport synthétique utilisé Instruction

  1.  Sols sportifs synthétiques  uniquement pour l'enseignement, l'entraînement et la compétition, pas pour le stationnement ou autres usages. 2.  Le bord du plancher doit être protégé, ne pas pouvoir bouger ou tirer. Si dommage, il devrait être réparé à temps. 3.  Les athlètes peuvent porter des chaussures de sport professionnelles pendant la compétition, mais la longueur des pointes ne doit pas dépasser 6 mm. 4.  Il est interdit de porter des talons hauts dans le stade. 5.  Il est strictement interdit de conduire, garer et stocker des marchandises. 6.  Évitez d'introduire des solvants organiques dans le revêtement de sol synthétique, notamment de l'essence, de l'huile, du diesel et des diluants. 7.  Il est interdit d'utiliser tous les produits chimiques, y compris les médicaments traités par les athlètes et les éléments adhésifs tels que les chewing-gums. 8.  En général, le sol synthétique doit rester propre. A haute température, il est recommandé d'utili

Synthetic Sports Flooring Used Instruction

  1.  Synthetic Sports flooring  only for teaching, training and competition, not for parking or others usage 2.  The flooring edge should be protected, not allow to move or pull. If damage, it should be repaired in time. 3.  Athletes can wear professional sports shoes during the competition, but the length of the spikes should not exceed 6mm. 4.  It is forbidden to wear high heels into the stadium. 5.  It is strictly forbidden to drive, park and stock goods. 6.  Avoid put the organic solvents in the synthetic flooring, including gasoline, oil, diesel and thinner. 7.  It is forbidden to use all chemicals, including athlete-treated drugs and adhesive items such as chewing gum. 8.  In general, the synthetic flooring should be kept clean. In high temperature, it is recommended to use water to cool down to improve the service life. 9.  When the synthetic sports flooring is oily, it can be cleaned with natural detergent, etc., avoid using a faded brush pad to wash the synthetic floor. 10. 

Why do many people choose artificial grass instead of natural grass?

  Comparison of artificial turf and natural grass  With the development of society, the cost of using artificial turf is much less than that of natural turf. The key is that it is more convenient to use and more effective. The daily maintenance cost of natural lawns is too high, and some countries and regions cannot afford it due to economic reasons. Natural grass cannot grow under extreme climatic conditions. Natural grass cannot be planted in some covered stadiums. In contrast, artificial turf has the characteristics of high frequency of use, easy paving, simple maintenance, and quick drainage. All these advantages make artificial turf have a broad development space and have a great tendency to replace natural grass.  Safety The surface temperature of artificial turf varies greatly, especially in summer. Studies have found that the maximum temperature can reach 52°C. Such a high temperature will have a great impact on the athlete's competitive state and personal safety. In addit

what is the standard tennis court size ?

  The "Rules of Tennis Competition" promulgated by the International Tennis Federation and the National Sports Commission stipulate that the area of a standard tennis court shall not be less than 36.6 meters (north-south length) × 18.3 (east-west width) meters = 669.78 m2, which is also a standard tennis court. The net size of the net around the site or the inner wall of the indoor building. Within this area, the standard size of the effective doubles field is: 23.77 meters (length) × 10.98 meters (width) = 260.9 m2, There should be a margin of not less than 6.40 meters behind each end line, and a margin of flow of not less than 3.66 meters beyond each side line. Install net posts on the court, measure the center of the two posts, the distance between the posts is 12.80 meters, and the top of the net post is 0.914 meters from the ground. If it is two or more parallel tennis courts built together. The distance between the sides of adjacent venues is not less than 4.0 meters.

Why do parking lots need non-slip and wear-resistant floors?

    Not long ago, Guangzhou Television reported that the floor paint of underground parking lot in Guangzhou Huachenghui was too smooth, then resulted in frequent vehicle accidents.     The reporter saw at the scene that due to water leakage in some parts of the parking lot, the ground is prone to water accumulation. Normal epoxy floor surface is smooth, in the case of water, whether it is car or pedestrian, it is easy to slip, which is the cause of the accident.  #1 Screenshot of the News Report   The value of life and health is no longer a rumor. A good floor should not only have a beautiful appearance, but also have good anti-slip and safety properties. In order to solve this problem, our company provides the following solutions for Huachenghui: on the basis of the original epoxy floor, roll NDS-113 epoxy micro-sand anti-slip floor paint to form a micro-sand surface, improving the slip resistance property. Here is the construction picture:                  #2 NDS-113 Epoxy Micro-san